Why do I feel so tired?

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Have you been losing steam lately? Here are a few reasons why:

Inactivity - Once we hit our 30's, we start to lose muscle mass, which results in less ATP, the molecule that delivers energy to cells throughout our body. Try to get 30 minutes of moderate exercise 5 days a week.

Stress - Stress increases cortisol, a hormone created by our adrenal glands. Cortisol reduces ATP. Try yoga, meditation, or breathing exercises to reduce stress.

Poor Diet - If we don't nourish our bodies properly, we can't get the vitamins and minerals to produce enough ATP. Eating processed foods also impairs ATP production. Focus on eating a balanced diet with whole foods. Avoid processed foods and foods with ingredients you can't find in nature.

Too Little Sleep - Lack of sleep increases cortisol and promotes inflammation. Improve sleep hygiene by going to bed and waking up the same time each day. I encourage a "power-down hour" with no electronics one hour before bedtime.

Want more information? Check out my free guide, "How to Boost Your Metabolism Over the Age of 40," for more tips.



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