Webinar: Getting to Know Your Pain

Join me as I welcome guest speaker Tiffany West, who will bring us a fresh awareness of chronic pain and how to approach it in a refreshing way that is not commonly taught.

You will develop a deeper understanding of why it's there and how to maintain an inner sense of joy & contentment throughout what can feel like a hopeless journey towards healing it.

We all deserve to feel good. So many people are suffering from physical, mental, and emotional anguish with no hope or direction for a way out. Medication and other modalities can be effective temporarily. However, they're not getting down to the root cause of the dis-ease or providing people with long-term solutions for true healing. 

Although pain is very real, suffering from it is optional. Tiffany will shed new light on how to move through suffering and finally feel at ease in body, mind, and heart. JOY is our natural state of being, and she's on a mission to keep guiding herself and others back home through any painful circumstance. We've been hurting long enough, it's time to live freely and improve the quality of our lives!

Tiffany is the Founder & CEO of Interior Health Design LLC, an inner wellness company that promotes healthy living from the inside out. She's a Certified Life Coach helping people heal from chronic pain naturally by deepening the connection with themselves and their bodies. She adores serving others and finds the most joy in nature, cooking, dancing, meditation, being a mom, and healing her body.

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