Are You Addicted To Sugar?

Who doesn’t love sugar? We get pleasure from eating it. We may even get the “sugar high” only to crash shortly afterward. If you love sugar and can’t seem to stop eating it, you are not alone. Sugar is one of the most addictive substances in our food today. Approximately 75% of Americans consume an excessive amount of sugar.

Nutrition coach

Are you addicted to sugar? Here are a few common signs that typically point to sugar addiction.

You need something sweet after every meal.

If you need dessert after every meal, this is a sure sign you are addicted to sugar.

You always crave sweets and seem to need more to satisfy the craving.

Sugar consumption directly impacts your blood sugar, and your blood sugar directly affects your energy levels. If you eat a large amount of sugar, you’ll get a quick boost of energy followed by a dramatic dip of energy once the sugar leaves your bloodstream. Your body will want more sugar to bring energy levels back up. In addition, your tolerance to sugar may build over time, and you’ll start craving more and more sugar in one sitting. You may also find it challenging to stop eating sugar which is one of the most common signs you’re addicted.

You’ve tried to stop eating sugar, but you can’t.

If you’ve tried to cut back on sugar but can’t, or if you tried to cut back but experienced withdrawal symptoms, you may be addicted.

Sweet foods don’t taste as sweet.

The more sugar you eat, the more your taste buds become desensitized to the taste of sugar. If you long longer find fruit sweet-tasting or need extra sugar in your morning coffee, you may be addicted.

You love carbohydrates.

Sugar comes in many forms. It’s your body’s primary fuel source and comes from carbohydrate-based foods. Refined carbohydrates like pasta, white bread, breakfast cereals, and pastries convert quickly to sugar in your body. If you crave carbohydrates, you may be addicted.

You eat sugar even when you’re not hungry.

If you stuff yourself on a big meal but still find room for dessert, this is a sure sign you are addicted to sugar.

The Bottom Line

Quitting sugar is not as simple as it may seem, but the first step is awareness. Remember that sugar is found in more foods just than dessert. You’ll find sugar in beverages, salad dressings, white flour, flavoured yogurts, granola bars, etc. Want to learn more? Sign up for one of my free workshops on how to kick the sugar habit.


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