7 Solutions to Sugar Cravings

Do you want to curb your sugar cravings? Here are a few tips to get you started.

Nutrition coach

Drink Water

Sometimes, the craving may be a sign of dehydration. Drink a big glass of water and wait five minutes and see if you still have the urge to eat something sweet.

Eat Sweet Veggies, Fruits, and Spices Instead

Add naturally sweet foods and spices to your diet like squash, yams, carrots, beets, berries, figs, apples, cinnamon, coriander, nutmeg, and cloves.


You’ve heard me say this many times, but sleep is essential! If you are constantly tired, your body will look for energy in the form of sugar or caffeine. Start working on a regular sleep schedule to ensure you get enough hours of rest.

Check Your Protein

Keep an eye on what type and how much protein you are eating. Eating too much or too little animal protein can lead to massive sweet cravings. You’ll want to find the best amount that works for your unique body.

Watch Out for Low-Fat Foods

When manufacturers take the fat out of food, they typically add more sugar. You may be eating more sugar than you think!


Movement reduces stress and makes you feel and look great. When you don’t get enough exercise, your body starts to look for other ways to blow off steam, like binging on carbohydrates.

Create New Post-Meal Rituals

If you like dessert after your meal, ask yourself why. Is it a ritual or habit? What are some other post-meal rituals you can try?

Want More Tips?

If you want more tips and tricks on curbing your sweet tooth, check out one of my upcoming Kick Your Sugar Habit workshops.


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