21-Day Energy Reset Video Replays
Daily Videos
Meet Renay and get an overview of the next 21 days.
Let’s Start Preparations!
This week is all about preparation. In today's video, I talk about how you can prepare for the reset. You have seven days to prepare your home and your mind and determine your meals for next week.
Let’s Talk About Food
Today's video talks about what foods you can eat and what foods you should avoid.
Organic vs. Non-Organic
In today's video, I talk about organic vs. non-organic food. If you choose not to buy organic, I recommend buying organic for at least some items.
Daily Habits and Body Practices
In today’s video, I talk about daily habits and body practices.
In today’s video, I talk about sleep
In today’s video, I talk about intermittent fasting.
In today’s video, I talk about hunger.
Time for the Reset! (No Video)
Head over to Reset Guides to find all the tools you need to be successful this week. You can also check out the Flax Cocktail video below.
Honouring Hunger & Fullness (No Video)
Today I posted about honouring hunger and fullness. Download my guide on How to Honor Your Hunger & Fullness.
Emotional Hunger
In today’s video, I talk about emotional hunger.
Common Reactions: Constipation & Sugar Cravings
In today’s video I talk about two common reactions that you may experience during the reset, constipation and sugar cravings.
Movement (No Video)
Today I posted about movement. It improves your mood and helps you lose weight, and it also helps fight anxiety, depression, and stress. Check out the bodyweight exercises if you want to do something at home.
Top Inflammatory and Anti-Inflammatory Foods
Today I talk about the top inflammatory foods and why we eliminate them during the reset. I also talk about the top anti-inflammatory foods as well. You can download the guide for the list of foods I mention in the video.
The Last Day of Week 2!
I talk about week 3 and what to expect.
Reintroduction - Gluten
In today’s video, I talk about reintroduction. I’d like you to consume gluten for two days.
Day 2 of Gluten
In today’s video I go over a few reactions you may feel after reintroducing gluten back into your diet.
Back to the Reset Diet
Now it’s time to remove gluten from your diet and “clean the slate” for two days.
Day 2 of the Reset Diet
Continue the reset diet today and record how you feel.
Special Videos
Meal Garden Tutorial
This is a quick tutorial on how to log into and schedule a meal plan in Meal Garden.
Flax Cocktail
A quick video on how I make and drink the Flax Cocktail.
Colon Hydrotherapy
I did colon hydrotherapy and received a lot of questions about it so I figured I would do a short video of what it looks like inside the hydrotherapy room.
Live Q&A Sessions
April 28, 2002
Replay from the Week 1 Live Q&A session.
May 5, 2002
Replay from week 2 Live Q&A session.