Dynamic Warmups
Reverse Lunge With Posterolateral Reach
Lower with your weight on your forward heel.
Don't let your hips open up at the bottom. Keep them squared forward.
Keep your lower back neutral by pulling your ribs down with your abs and keeping your abs tight. Don't let your back arch.
Drive upward with your weight rooted through the heel of your forward foot and your knee tracked straight ahead over your toes.
At the top of each rep, reach your arms out and rotate through your upper back towards your forward leg.
Reverse Pattern Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift
Begin with your abs tightly braced and your ribs pulled downward. Think of keeping the front of your pelvis from dropping away from your ribs by using tightly braced abs.
Lower to the bar while pushing your hips back and loading a light stretch into your hamstrings.
Keep your weight on your heels, your feet straight forward, your knees straight over your little toes and abs braced.
Pull upward while maintaining good positioning (knees straight forward, neutral spine, weight through heels.
Keep your abs locked and ribs down at the top.
Shift to one leg and lower the bar without rocking your hips open or moving from your lower back. Keep your abs locked down.
Toy Soldier
Keep the heel of your planted leg on the ground, and keep it nearly locked out straight.
Brace the glute on the side of your planted leg and tuck your tailbone under to keep your pelvis from tilting.
Reach your opposite side hand towards your toes.
Don’t bend the leg on your planted leg, come onto your toes or slouch your spine forward.
Walking Knee to Chest
Keep the heel of your planted leg on the ground and keep that leg straight.
Brace the glute on the side of your planted leg to keep your pelvis from tilting.
Pull one knee tightly to your chest while keeping the other leg extended straight.
Don’t bend the leg on your planted leg, come onto your toes or slouch your spine forward.
Walking Pull-Back Butt Kick
Keep the heel of your planted leg on the ground and keep that leg straight. Brace the glute on the side of your planted leg to keep your pelvis from tilting.
Pull one foot back and stretch your quad without leaning forward.
Keep your abs tight, your ribs down, and tuck your tailbone under.
Don’t arch your lower back, bend the leg on your planted leg, come onto your toes or slouch your spine forward.
X-Band Box Walk
Lock your ribs down with your abs.
Tuck your tailbone between your knees.
Move from the hips, not your spine.
Don't rotate your feet outward.
X-Band Walk
Lock your ribs down with your abs.
Tuck your tailbone between your knees.
Move from the hips, not your spine.
Don't rotate your feet outward.
Alternating Lateral Lunge Walk
Lower so that at the bottom your knees are both around 90 degrees.
Don't let your hips open up at the bottom. Keep them squared forward.
Keep your lower back neutral by pulling your ribs down with your abs and keeping your abs tight. Don't let your back arch.
Drive upward with your weight rooted through the heel of your forward foot.
Keep your knee tracked straight ahead over your toes.
Hand Cross-Over
Lock your ribs down with your abs.
Tuck your tailbone between your knees.
Move only from the shoulder.
Position your spine by locking your ribs down in an exhaled position with your abs.
Keep your tailbone tucked under and your ribs pulled down throughout the movement.
Walk your hands out to stretch out as far as you can without losing tension in your abs.
Stop before your back arches and return.
Walking Spiderman
Step slightly to the outside with your forward leg to make room for your elbow.
Keep your weight through your forward heel.
Keep your chest high and contract the glute on your trailing leg to get a good stretch in your hip flexor.
Keep your neck in line with the rest of your spine.
Slowly drive your hips forward to deepen the stretch.
Walking Warrior Lunge
Lower with your weight on your forward heel.
Don't let your hips open up at the bottom. Keep them squared forward.
Keep your lower back neutral by pulling your ribs down with your abs and keeping your abs tight. Don't let your back arch.
At the bottom position, rotate your shoulders toward your forward knee.
Drive upward with your weight rooted through the heel of your forward foot.
Keep your knee tracked straight ahead over your toes.
Warrior Lunge With Overhead Reach
Lower with your weight on your forward heel.
Don't let your hips open up at the bottom. Keep them squared forward.
Keep your lower back neutral by pulling your ribs down with your abs and keeping your abs tight. Don't let your back arch.
At the bottom position, put your arms overhead (without arching your back) and rotate your shoulders toward your forward knee.
Drive upward with your weight rooted through the heel of your forward foot.
Keep your knee tracked straight ahead over your toes.
Walking Spiderman With Hip Lift
Step slightly to the outside with your forward leg to make room for your elbow.
Keep your weight through your forward heel.
Keep your chest high and contract the glute on your trailing leg to get a good stretch in your hip flexor.
Keep your neck in line with the rest of your spine.
Slowly drive your hips forward to deepen the stretch.
Lift your hips upward.
Walking Spiderman With Overhead Reach
Step slightly to the outside with your forward leg to make room for your elbow.
Keep your weight through your forward heel.
Keep your chest high and contract the glute on your trailing leg to get a good stretch in your hip flexor.
Keep your neck in line with the rest of your spine.
Slowly drive your hips forward to deepen the stretch, then reach overhead.
Walking Spiderman With Overhead Reach and Hip Lift
Step slightly to the outside with your forward leg to make room for your elbow.
Keep your weight through your forward heel.
Keep your chest high and contract the glute on your trailing leg to get a good stretch in your hip flexor.
Keep your neck in line with the rest of your spine.
Slowly drive your hips forward to deepen the stretch, then reach overhead.
Lift your hips upward.