Webinar: A Mindful Midlife

Are you interested in learning how to reduce stress and have a mindful midlife?  If so, please join me as I welcome guest speaker Christy Barko, who will show us how cultivating mindfulness can help you reduce stress and cope with physical and emotional changes associated with mid-life.

Christy is an RN and ACC Certified Mindful Wellness Coach.  As well as being a Registered Nurse, she has certifications in health coaching, life coaching, and executive life coaching and is currently pursuing certifications in mindfulness and meditation training.  After working in the medical industry for nearly 20 years, Christy reached her breaking point and knew things needed to change.  She still wanted to serve others, just not in a way that compromised her health and well-being any longer.  After much soul searching and personal development, Christy uncovered her passion for serving as a vehicle of change for others and discovered that coaching was the perfect way to do that. She founded Thrive Coaching and Consulting Services, LLC in 2019 and hasn't looked back! Now, she helps women prioritize and optimize their wellness through mid-life and beyond so that they can live fulfilled and healthy lives at any age. She is also a wife, a mom to two (almost) teenage boys, and a lover of animals and nature.

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