Free Workshop Declutter Your Life: Making Room for What You Want

Join me as I welcome guest speaker Sherry ‘QueenShe’ Burden where she will help us understand how clutter blocks us from living heaven on earth and easy steps on how to remove those blocks to make room for more of what you want in life.

Sherry is a creative health and wellness expert who delivers high-energy keynote presentations that challenge audiences to pay attention to what matters most in life. Audiences love her stories, energy, tools, and strategies they can apply personally and professionally.  Women over 40 love being coached by Sherry, often describing her as the energizer bunny and easy to talk to.

Sherry earned her Health and Life Coach certifications from Health Coach Institute.  She has helped her clients lose weight, find purpose in life after a loss, love themselves, attract more of what they want in life and create their own reality.  She has created and held health panel discussions, workshops, and online challenges.  Her strong background in learning, development, and inspiring people of all ages makes her the perfect fit for any group that wants to live a better life and is ready to develop themselves.  Groups or individuals hire Sherry because of her passion to help others and strategies that can help her clients avoid unnecessary stress, guilt, sadness, feeling too old to try new things, distractions, and say ‘NO’ to requests that steal time from personal goals and priorities.

Oh, did we mention that Sherry is ‘Your Creative Health Coach’? Why does that matter? Well, it means that she is continuously providing new ways of approaching situations in life in a healthier way.  Here are some other reasons she has this other name:  She is a published author, recording artist, blogger, photographer, and video creator.  She considers herself a Queen… and really scared of those ‘Queen Bees’.

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