Three Underrated but Potent Vitamins!

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I want to let you in on a little secret of 3 super potent vitamins crucial for our health and wellness, yet we often overlook them.  Can you guess what they are? I’ll give you a clue: they are all around you, don’t cost a dime, and are accessible at any time of day.

So what are my 3 most underrated yet most potent vitamins?

  1. Nature

  2. Fresh Air

  3. Sunshine

We are so conditioned to think that vitamins must be manufactured in a lab and purchased at a store that we forget to open our eyes and look all around us. Vitamins are everywhere!

Nature itself is a multi-vitamin, but it’s often the last thing we turn to for our vitamin fix because we are simply not conditioned to think of it as nutritious. But it is. 

Did you know that instead of exploring the great outdoors, the average American spends most of their time stuck in stale offices and dark living rooms?

Even kids today spend 7 hours more on academics and 2 hours less on sports and outdoor activities per week than they did 20 years ago.

Unfortunately, all this indoor living is devastating to our health!

Research shows that children who get more nature, fresh air, and sunshine have lower stress levels, more success in school, and fewer ADHD symptoms.  And adults who exercise and socialize more in nature are happier all around.

We all know that simply being in sunlight triggers our skin to make vitamin D, also known as the “sunshine vitamin.” Research has linked low vitamin D levels with depression, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disease, osteoporosis, and cancer.

To make sure you have enough Vitamin D, be sure to get at least 15-20 minutes outside WITHOUT sunscreen. Why? Because sunscreen (high and low SPF factors) prohibits the body from making vitamin D by 95 %.

So it’s essential to get outside and get lots of nature, fresh air, and sunshine—these are super potent forms of food for our bodies!

How can I get more nature, fresh air, and sunshine?

  • Make outdoor adult play mandatory—splash in puddles, throw snowballs, pack a picnic or catch fireflies.

  • To avoid the typical 3 pm slump, take a 10-15min walk outside and drink in the fresh air instead of coffee.

  • Try gardening! Getting your hands in the dirt is good for you—there’s a strain of bacterium in soil—Mycobacterium vaccae—that has been found to trigger serotonin release, which in turn elevates mood and decreases anxiety. No wonder kids already know that digging deep in dirt makes them happy!

  • Move your kitchen outside—fire up the grill and make fun creations such as fruit kebabs, or if you have kids, let them personalize meats by brushing on sauces before cooking.

  • Sleep under the stars—even if camping without a bathroom isn’t for you, you can pitch a tent or put up a hammock in your backyard! 

What do I do now?

If you want to talk more with me about fun ways to get more of these natural, abundant, and potent vitamins in your life, then click here now to schedule a time to chat.


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